There are many differences between the Shakespeare's Macbeth and the Mac Beth who ruled Scotland almost a millennium ago. Modern sources suggest the picture Shakespeare paints of Scotland in 1044 is based on rumors and the little they knew of the it in 1606, and due to new findings we have a better understanding of this history.
Duncan I of Scotland was born in 1001.
He ascended to the throne at the age of thirty-three after killing his
grandfather, Malcolm II. He
was a spoiled and over zealous young man whose reign was wrought with failed
campaigns and death for his people. To
gain the respect of his people, Duncan decided to invade Northumbria and attack
Durman. The campaign was a
disaster. When he got back to
Scotland, he was greeted by unhappy lords who later revolted. His cousin, Mac Beth, Lord of Moray, was one of the lords
involved. Mac Beth later slew
Duncan and ascended the throne with his wife cousin, Gruach, at his side.
Duncan’s sons fled at this time. Malcolm
went to England while Donald Ban went to Ireland. Both later returned and reigned as kings.
Before Gruach married Mac Beth, she was the wife of Gillecomgain, one of
Duncan’s sons. He and Malcolm had
murdered Mac Beth’s father in 1020. Gillecomgain
and Gruach, the granddaughter of Kenneth III, had one son named Lulach. In 1027,
Gruach was widowed when her husband was burned alive in his fortress with his
men. At this point Mac Beth was
appointed Lord of Moray, left open by Gillecomgain, and married Gruach. They
were married in 1033 when Mac Beth was twenty-eight. Mac Beth did much for
Scotland in his seventeen year reign. Under
him, North and South Scotland were united.
He organized a military patrol that canvassed the entire country
enforcing law and order.
In 1057, Mac Beth’s reign was cut to an end. Malcolm Canmore, which
means “Big Head” in Gaelic, raised an army with the help of the English and
invaded his homeland. He defeated
Mac Beth and became King of Scotland under the title Malcolm III, but not
without a little trouble.
After Mac Beth’s death, his stepson, Lulach, had a brief reign.
He was assassinated in March 1058 after seven months of rule.
Most believe that Malcolm and his associates played a major part in his
death. Finally, Malcolm got what he
wanted. At the age of twenty-seven,
he was crowned King of Scotland. THAT PLAY - The real-life drama of Macbeth "The Comedy of Glamis", "The Scottish Business" or simply "That Play" are just a few of the euphemisms actors use to avoid mentioning the title of William Shakespeare's Macbeth, one of the most ill-starred plays in theatrical history. Indeed, many professionals believe that "The Unmentionable" [another of its nicknames]-with its bloodshed, ghosts, and witchcraft--is one of the darkest dramas ever written. If an actor does happen to mention the name, or quotes from the play while he is backstage, tradition requires him to leave the dressing room, turn around three times, spit, and then knock for reentry. Theatrical history is littered with the many misfortunes of those who have chosen to ignore these rites of exorcism. Macbeth seemed doomed from the beginning. It was first performed before James I, a descendant of both the historical Duncan and Banquo, who are killed in the play. The curse apparently struck during that original performance on August 7, 1606, when Hal Berridge, the boy actor cast as Lady Macbeth, collapsed from a fever and later died. Shakespeare himself had to step in and play the role on short notice. The play was rarely performed again for nearly a century. The day of its London revival in 1703 was noteworthy for one of the most severe storms in English history. Because of its blasphemous content, the play was blamed for the storm's calamities, and Queen Anne ordered a week of prayer during which all theaters were closed. A catalogue of disasters Over the next two centuries the disasters continued, the curse taking its greatest toll after the Astor Place riots in New York City in 1849. During a performance of Macbeth by British actor William Charles Macreadyk, supporters of his American rival, Edwin Forrest, clashed with police. Twenty-two people were killed and some 36 more injured. Probably the most famous person to suffer the Macbeth curse was not an actor but a U.S. President. Macbeth was Abraham Lincoln's favorite play, and he spent the afternoon of April 9, 1865, reading passages aloud to a party of friends on board the River Queen on the Potomac River. The passages Lincoln chose happened to follow the scene in which Duncan is ssassinated. Five days later Lincoln was shot. In the 20th century numerous other calamities associated with the fatal play have been recorded. In the early 1920's Lionel Barrymore's portrayal of Macbeth received such harsh reviews that Barrymore never performed on Broadway again. During the first modern-dress production at the Royal Court Theatre in London in 1928, a large set fell down, causing serious injury to members of the company, and a fire broke out in the dress circle. In 1937 the career of 30-year-old Laurence Olivier almost came to an abrupt end when a heavy weight crashed down from the flies while he was rehearsing at the Old Vic. The weight missed him by inches. Later rehearsals were interrupted when the director and the actress playing Lady Macduff were involved in a car accident on the way to the theater. Worse, the theater's proprietor died of a heart attack during the dress rehearsal.
Out in the open
In a 1953 open-air production in Bermuda, starring Charlton Heston, the soldiers storming Macbeth's castle were to burn it to the ground onstage. On opening night the wind blew smoke and flames into the audience, which fled in terror. And in 1980 Peter O'Toole, playing Macbeth for the first time at the Old Vic, was careful never to refer to the play by name. His precautions were in vain. Beset by numerous problems and accidents during rehearsals, when the play opened the critics called his work an artistic disaster.
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